So I've had the priveledge of having my 18month year old cousin staying with us.When they say kids are the boss you better believe it.When he wakes up everyone else has got to wake up whether you like it or not.He dictates the terms and conditions in the house.All I can say is we all got to be thankful to our mothers.Cause raising us mustve been hell.Having a kid in the house sure makes you take things into consideration.Mine would be about being a parent.I keep wondering that even with my cousin I get as irritated and frustrated and I cant handle it as such even while on break and technically not having all that much work to do.How will it be when with working and a busy do how would I take care of my own child (thats hoping and praying someone will let me have a kid with them.Lol!).Will I be able to give the love and attention needed and have the patience and skills and all that.The worst part is at times I end up thinking I would be incapable of it.For no other reason than how I feel.Sometimes the lil man cries or wails and all and I feel detached and emotionless and at other times I tend to think I couldnt have the patience that comes with feeding him,bathing him but most importantly how to take care of such a fragile being while I hardly dont know how to take care of myself.But then he laughs or does something so small and it makes you melt.Children are a mystery thats why only one parent can understand another parents sorrow or happiness and struggles in regards to their kids.One things for sure though this lil guy has made me start rethinking things I had either forgotten about or pushed back to the back of my head.Now with them open I will then have to write up a bit more but for now this lil guy is my inspiration in his own way.His actually bouncing up and down on the bed and wailing as if his crying while in fact his just happy.He makes very interesting attachments but those are stories for another day.
Jah Bless