Watching movies, reading books there have been many ways that sex has been portrayed. Some of the exploits seem to happen only to Greek God and Goddesses type of people as if it can only happen in the imaginative word. However that isn’t true. These chronicles are of how ordinary everyday people have experienced extraordinary moments. You see sex is awesome no lie however this is promoting sensuality and intimacy and not just the sexual which I emphasis is to show appreciation to the person you are intimate with and the relationship you have between you (relationships are defined by yourselves so I’m not going to label it, it is as YOU define it.) They are true stories of real everyday people. I want to thank those who’ve shared their stories with me and if any one of the stories upsets you I apologize in advance and I can easily take the story down. However I will say this I believe in sharing these moments. I believe that we as human beings should always share our knowledge in the hopes of helping others in every aspect of life. We all need a spark of creativity here and there and inspiration in keeping our flames and passion going. The fact that someone will take the time to read an article or try something new means they are already on the right track. I don’t think that we should be complacent or get used to a routine in our intimacy. So here’s to that. I’m hoping everyone will enjoy it and find something that they themselves can do to keep things interesting. Enjoy it and have fun I mean as long as you aren’t harming yourself and/or someone else then everything under the sky is up for trial.
“Is sex dirty? Only if it’s done right” – Woody Allen
Jah Bless