So I've been staring at the screen for a while wondering what to write. Seems a lot harder to do when one is nicotine deprived and hungry. Plus the hot weather isn't very helpful. One of these random days I met some old high school mates we started conversing catching up and stuff. So we are all asking eachother what the other is doing in their life. Some still in Uni and others are working. Then some people were telling others that they shouldn't be studying what they were cause they weren't fit for it or some jazz like that. This hit a nerve cause a lot of the finger pointing was going my way as if I wasn't to study what I was and go into the career I wanted. So let me school you for a minute. In some of the realities of the world.
When you go to any institution of learning you acquire skills. These skills are to help you in whatever venture you go into. Granted that some people get a degree,masters or PhD in one thing and you end working in a field different from what you studied. So going to school is already a qualification you dumb asses. But thats besides the point. As I quote someone, “Oh My God. You want to be a therapist/counselor. I don't think it would suit you.” News flash it does. So according to them I don't the character or what it takes. Doesn't the fact that I'll get a degree in Psychology qualify me? Then they say oh no thats not it its just your life and your character doesn't seem to go with what your studying. I died laughing. Think about it all those inspirational speakers are people with EXPERIENCE in whatever trials and tribulations they went through thus having first hand perspective on the matters they talk about. Same applies here. My EXPERIENCE. The trails and tribulations I've faced, am facing and will face. I was that rebellious kid, sneaking out of the house to go party did a lot of dumb things and got into a lot of trouble but I learnt. The point of these experiences is to learn how to cope. We acquire these coping mechanisms and learn them. So I learnt. I learnt how to deal with death, losing friends, to deal with things when I fucked up (forgive my French) beyond fucking up. And I learnt not to say I'm still not learning I am so thats another thing that will qualify me in my future career. Cause I will to an extent understand the road my clients are on.
People tend to forget that whatever lifestyle you have doesn't necessarily dictate your effectiveness in your profession. On the contrary in some instances the life you help can actually help you in your profession. And be thankful for it.
I think you'd make an awesome counsellor.(id be ur first patient). I think someone's character does not define who they become in life, it has to do with internal drive that person has from within. For instance you have realized your faults from the past and took upon on yourself to do something about it despite your character. Embracing these "flaws" and using them to do some good to help other people is something you should be applauded for. And i think the people who come to you with problems that you have faced in the past will be able to identify with you. Thus, a better diagnosis for the patient. Rather than a goody-two-shoes who has cram'd books. just my thought..and as for people who say you are not right for the job...well... SCREW EM!!
ReplyDeleteThank you.Even though I have no idea who this is.LOL!