Tuesday, 8 April 2014

My Generation : Getting work/job

Getting a job/work.
People expect that since education has gotten “better” and that a person possesses a degree, find employment or even self-employment is easy. Just show up with your CV and degree and the doors will open like the sea parted for Moses.
The reality however is even with a degree there is no gurantee. So many other factors come into play for instance the degree you have, university you went to, industry you are trying to work in even the country you are in and one’s nationality (in some places being a foreigner is helpful in others it’s a deterrent). However with all that said there is one thing that I think is a pain and that is a person is “under qualified” or “inexperienced”. I notice that for some jobs advertised (these aren’t high level positions e.g. assistant jobs, low level and mid low level entry positions etc.) require you to have at least some years’ experience in the field. My question is this then, if every job a person applies for requires them to have experience, it means that a person needs to have experience before they can get work so as to gain experience???????? It doesn’t make sense to me. How is it expected for a fresh graduate to have experience or at all gain it when no one is hiring someone without experience? The fact that a person went to college or university means there are certain skills they picked up during that time which will enable them to at the very least be competent in anything they do. So why not hire someone and train them? Some people will think that’s what internships are for, or that people leave for greener pastures, let me address those points.
First a lot of the internships we get are unpaid which in this day and age is a problem. The economy system and structure is shit to begin with but what makes it worse is the mentality surrounding us. Since you work then people (usually your folks) expect you to have money and they don’t understand the concept of you working for free and even if they understand it I believe and feel that it’s very heartbreaking for a person to ask for an allowance to cater for transport to and from work as well as lunch. At the very least a person should be able to break even. Be able to afford to get to work and get lunch for the month.
The other problem is the duration of the internship. How long should an internship last paid or not? From numerous sources it is said to be no more than 3months but unfortunately some employers drag this out longer and take advantage of people who don’t know this. Also I should mention that some countries have made it illegal for a person to work somewhere with no remuneration. But I am getting of topic a bit by going into law, work ethics and work politics however it is something to think about. The laws and labor offices are supposed to be the guardians here but when the infrastructure for them to do so and even policies within a country are lacking, there isn’t much an individual can do.
Another interesting thing I notice is that apparently even though a person is a fresh graduate it’s possible for them to be “over qualified”. I don’t know whether it’s a trick or a strategy but I have noticed that some jobs as for people with certificates and diplomas and when a person with a degree applies they are considered over qualified. This also happens with people who have a Master’s degree. I thought the whole point of higher and tertiary education was so you get credentials so as to work and yet you are told your credentials are too good for the job available (I mean you did apply for it so I’m guessing you must’ve seen the merits of doing so).
Incredibly though in our developing countries where they want people to have so much experience, it wasn’t so for our parent’s generation. Back in the day they didn’t go looking for work after University as we did because jobs were waiting for them.
The population wasn’t as high as it is now meaning the work place wasn’t over saturated with as many “qualified” people as it is now. There were also not many people who went to University and got higher/tertiary education thus they were very much sought after which is very different from present day. Think about it how many of our parent’s friends and/or relatives that are well established had to study up to a Master’s level? (Depending on the field of expertise of course). These are the things that seem to be overlooked when people are hounding you about working and so on.
I’m sure there are many other aspects but these ones stuck out to me.

Jah Bless


  1. There are loopholes. Some countries that have to pay to work can technically say that an intern is not staff/employed and that they don't need to be paid. I do feel that interns should at least break even.

  2. I feel you. in my current job, i am paid enough for transport and lunch and that's it. And then family members start stalking you, expecting you to finance them coz you have a job . Nkt. And the over qualified thing has happened to me. I sent my CV in for a teller job at a bank, and got rejected because I have an undergrad degree!!! current global economic situation sucks for us Generation Yers
