She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
So soft,
So calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012

The mere imagination is incomparable
The beauty that is a diamond
Its cut
Its glow
The way the light hits it and all around it sends sparkles around the room
Magnificent wouldn't you say
But when I call her a diamond its a beauty that only some will understand
We see only diamonds once refined
Polished and chiseled
In a show room
On ones finger or wrist
Around the neck or on a dress
Worn as ornament and we know not of its tale
We know not that only those with the rarest attributes become diamonds
When I called her a diamond its because she came from afar
She was a mere lump of coal
Yes I know how it sounds but listen to her story
She stood the test of the elements
The Earth buried her Put her through hardships
Pressured her tried to make her break kept her in darkness
Denied her her freedom
The Water tried to drown her
In misery In sorrow
Denied her to breathe
Tried to immerse her in nothing but the darkest and murkiest waters
The Air blew at her Harsh and unrelenting
Trying to peel her and turn her into dust
Always in her way pushing her back as she tried to move forward
And the fire It tried to burn her into dust
Scorch her and leave her marked for life
Story of her life
The hardships and tribulations she went through But the elements failed
For their purpose to diminish her only made her into the diamond I see now The Earth made her harder for all it did was break the outside weaker shell but the core remained intact And she became harder and able to withstand all she will be put under
The Water only washed away her dirt from the Earth and made her smoother
The Wind helped her get rid of the rough edges as the water did and her inner core remained strong
The Fire burned her outer layer and heated her insides
They glowed hotter and hotter
The heat built to its maximum
Until finally she exploded
And all that was left was a lump of crystal
A crystal that when polished,chiseled, and cut
By Love
Adoration Encouragement
And mostly belief
The diamond emerged from the last folds of its crystal protection
For she was always a diamond
At her core In her essence
At the center of her being But for her to come out of her shell
She had to endure
And endure she did
Thus now the diamond she has become
The one we see Is the most magnificent of all.
I have been blessed to know a lot of diamonds in my life and I'm in awe of them. You were ordinary but made it through the extraordinary and have become the exquisite pieces that you are. We love you, we cherish you, we treasure you. To all the diamonds out there keep SHINNING.
Jah Bless
Monday, 17 September 2012
Essence of Heroism
I've sat for hours looking at this notepad.Literally been looking at it as I listen to some music & still no spark of creativity at all.So the thought crosses my mind is it possible I have disintegrated my creative braincells (if ever I had any) or has my writing thus far been nothing more than a whim and a passing phase?In my cleverness I decide to write and write and rant until some semblance of brilliance or atleast some intellectual babble rears its head from the many words that will be written.
AHA!Superheroes.I think most if not all of us can remember a time when we thought we could fly,outrun a speeding bullet,move things with your mind,get angry turn green and obliterate everything in our path or thoughts along those lines.We grew up knowing superheroes where THE SHIT (we havent outgrown it Thank God!)Everything from He-Man to Dark Knight Rises (most epic movie of our time thus far).I mean think of those cartoons that showed us how good triumphs over evil and all such lessons they taught us.I mean we have classic superheroes,Superman,Batman,Wolverine,Spiderman,Electra,Ultraviolet,Flash,Green Lantern the list is endless.But we also have the not so common or they are not considered in the conventional way as superheroes per say but if they had some power they were a super hero to a kind some place in the world.Think of Luke Skywalker,Spack,The Phantom,Transfomers and so on.
Like who remembers the Care Bears and the whole Light Vs. Darkness concept (which I only realise now since it was just cool they had things shooting out of their stomachs back in the day) or Mario and Luiggi (yap I said it) always saving the Princess and the Kingdom (although in retrospect the concept of eating mushrooms makes me wonder now).But you get my point these guy ARE cool (yes even now) and we had these aspirations in our fantasy worlds to be strong,powerful and beat up the bad guy/s.Those toons taught us alot,whether we consciously knew it or not.They put certain aspects of heroism in us.
Respect to the people who run into burning builds,jump infront of bullets,throw themselves into the ocean in order to save another person.Those acts of valor are outstanding and make these people heroes.But Id like to talk about the unsung or rather the kind of people we dont realise as well as they themselves dont think themselves as heroes.They possess what I think is the essence of heroism.Not the typical aspects of bravery,strength or a superpower (although that would be pretty awesome to have) but genuine human deceny,understanding,kindness and compassion.Dont get it twisted its still amazing how we put our own lives on the line to save another person from near death or griveous harm even when they are strangers.Acts of valor and heroism occur all around us,all the time.
For instance something as simple as a person who takes off their jumper/sweater/jacket/coat and gives it to another when it could be cold or raining saying that,"Im all good" when reality they could be freezing and soaked to the bone.
The person at the shop or market that gives you that lil bit extra or lets you take things on loan when your broke.
The people or friends (RE2,3) who when you talk at 2am and you mention you haven't eaten,get angry and almost want to kill you.Then after insulting you for a bit do their best and find a way to get you a meal.
The randon stranger who give you back your things after you've lost them or dropped them in a mat.And actually waited for you for two hours (yes it even happens in Nairobi it was a shocker to me too) just to give you back your phone and wallet with eveything intact and also refuse to take anyother kind of gratitude apart from a simple thank you.
To those we treat as punching bags and or venting outlets when we are having it bad but they stick it out woth us.
Those who see the quirky,weird,retarded aspects of us and still stick around.
To those seen as heroes in the eyes of their children and people around them.They have like a 50 hour work week work two jobs and still have time for the people around them.
To those who listen or ask how you are and how has your day gone and they actually hear you out.
To those who help you out with things so you wont have to worry about them later.
To those who are first in cleaning up your mess (even though they probably telling you I told you so).
Even those who remember you dont take chilly in your fodd and make sure your food wont have any.
We all have these people in our lives and we are also these people in other peoples lives.Granted they may not be typical heroes we are accustomed to but we could not be heroes if not for the compassion,understanding,decency and kindness that we choose to follow and act on and to those who choose this path and live by them
Jah Bless
AHA!Superheroes.I think most if not all of us can remember a time when we thought we could fly,outrun a speeding bullet,move things with your mind,get angry turn green and obliterate everything in our path or thoughts along those lines.We grew up knowing superheroes where THE SHIT (we havent outgrown it Thank God!)Everything from He-Man to Dark Knight Rises (most epic movie of our time thus far).I mean think of those cartoons that showed us how good triumphs over evil and all such lessons they taught us.I mean we have classic superheroes,Superman,Batman,Wolverine,Spiderman,Electra,Ultraviolet,Flash,Green Lantern the list is endless.But we also have the not so common or they are not considered in the conventional way as superheroes per say but if they had some power they were a super hero to a kind some place in the world.Think of Luke Skywalker,Spack,The Phantom,Transfomers and so on.
Like who remembers the Care Bears and the whole Light Vs. Darkness concept (which I only realise now since it was just cool they had things shooting out of their stomachs back in the day) or Mario and Luiggi (yap I said it) always saving the Princess and the Kingdom (although in retrospect the concept of eating mushrooms makes me wonder now).But you get my point these guy ARE cool (yes even now) and we had these aspirations in our fantasy worlds to be strong,powerful and beat up the bad guy/s.Those toons taught us alot,whether we consciously knew it or not.They put certain aspects of heroism in us.
Respect to the people who run into burning builds,jump infront of bullets,throw themselves into the ocean in order to save another person.Those acts of valor are outstanding and make these people heroes.But Id like to talk about the unsung or rather the kind of people we dont realise as well as they themselves dont think themselves as heroes.They possess what I think is the essence of heroism.Not the typical aspects of bravery,strength or a superpower (although that would be pretty awesome to have) but genuine human deceny,understanding,kindness and compassion.Dont get it twisted its still amazing how we put our own lives on the line to save another person from near death or griveous harm even when they are strangers.Acts of valor and heroism occur all around us,all the time.
For instance something as simple as a person who takes off their jumper/sweater/jacket/coat and gives it to another when it could be cold or raining saying that,"Im all good" when reality they could be freezing and soaked to the bone.
The person at the shop or market that gives you that lil bit extra or lets you take things on loan when your broke.
The people or friends (RE2,3) who when you talk at 2am and you mention you haven't eaten,get angry and almost want to kill you.Then after insulting you for a bit do their best and find a way to get you a meal.
The randon stranger who give you back your things after you've lost them or dropped them in a mat.And actually waited for you for two hours (yes it even happens in Nairobi it was a shocker to me too) just to give you back your phone and wallet with eveything intact and also refuse to take anyother kind of gratitude apart from a simple thank you.
To those we treat as punching bags and or venting outlets when we are having it bad but they stick it out woth us.
Those who see the quirky,weird,retarded aspects of us and still stick around.
To those seen as heroes in the eyes of their children and people around them.They have like a 50 hour work week work two jobs and still have time for the people around them.
To those who listen or ask how you are and how has your day gone and they actually hear you out.
To those who help you out with things so you wont have to worry about them later.
To those who are first in cleaning up your mess (even though they probably telling you I told you so).
Even those who remember you dont take chilly in your fodd and make sure your food wont have any.
We all have these people in our lives and we are also these people in other peoples lives.Granted they may not be typical heroes we are accustomed to but we could not be heroes if not for the compassion,understanding,decency and kindness that we choose to follow and act on and to those who choose this path and live by them
Jah Bless
Sunday, 9 September 2012
My Thoughts on Sex
I think sex should be fun.I mean if two people are only doing it for the sole purpose of a physical release then so be it.If all they want to do is fuck around let them be.It comes down to the two (or more) entitites involved.Quickies are more or less for times when the guy has a boner and the girl wants to get rid of it and they dont have alot of time for longer coitus.And its good to try out alot of things in regards to sex from the positions to paraphenilias,role playing,outfits,foods,places and such.Cause a person needs to know what they like.What gets them off and enticed them and how they like their sex.Be open to trying new things and exploring yourself.You cant expect someone else to please you if you yourself dont know how to get yourself off or how you like your itches to be scrathed.I believe if your not in a relationship then go ahead and enjoy your sexual life.Considering men peak sexually in their teens and women in their 30s means by the time you get married you should know what you like and your boundaries thus making sure you have a healthy sex life in your marriage and so on and since you'll know how to spice things up when they get blunt.Think of it like sharpening a knife.After sometime even a new knife gets blunt and needs sharpening.
Get to know your partners body what makes them itch and how to scratch it.Get to know all their body parts.What happens when you put your tongue on their earlobe.What reaction they get when you tell them some intricate naughty things about your outfit or what about you (be it body posture,smell,gesture and such) that drives them up the wall.Personally speaking what gets me off is seeing how I get a girl off by not even being in her.Its a trick and a challenge.And I love challenges.Satisfaction isnt just about being in or someone being in you.It has to do with everything.Sex starts from the non verbal to the language,tone,words.You need to set the mood so as to satisfy your partner physically,mentally and emotionally.
Jah Bless
Get to know your partners body what makes them itch and how to scratch it.Get to know all their body parts.What happens when you put your tongue on their earlobe.What reaction they get when you tell them some intricate naughty things about your outfit or what about you (be it body posture,smell,gesture and such) that drives them up the wall.Personally speaking what gets me off is seeing how I get a girl off by not even being in her.Its a trick and a challenge.And I love challenges.Satisfaction isnt just about being in or someone being in you.It has to do with everything.Sex starts from the non verbal to the language,tone,words.You need to set the mood so as to satisfy your partner physically,mentally and emotionally.
Jah Bless
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Invictus by William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Rantings of ticked off hungry person
So I've been staring at the screen for a while wondering what to write. Seems a lot harder to do when one is nicotine deprived and hungry. Plus the hot weather isn't very helpful. One of these random days I met some old high school mates we started conversing catching up and stuff. So we are all asking eachother what the other is doing in their life. Some still in Uni and others are working. Then some people were telling others that they shouldn't be studying what they were cause they weren't fit for it or some jazz like that. This hit a nerve cause a lot of the finger pointing was going my way as if I wasn't to study what I was and go into the career I wanted. So let me school you for a minute. In some of the realities of the world.
When you go to any institution of learning you acquire skills. These skills are to help you in whatever venture you go into. Granted that some people get a degree,masters or PhD in one thing and you end working in a field different from what you studied. So going to school is already a qualification you dumb asses. But thats besides the point. As I quote someone, “Oh My God. You want to be a therapist/counselor. I don't think it would suit you.” News flash it does. So according to them I don't the character or what it takes. Doesn't the fact that I'll get a degree in Psychology qualify me? Then they say oh no thats not it its just your life and your character doesn't seem to go with what your studying. I died laughing. Think about it all those inspirational speakers are people with EXPERIENCE in whatever trials and tribulations they went through thus having first hand perspective on the matters they talk about. Same applies here. My EXPERIENCE. The trails and tribulations I've faced, am facing and will face. I was that rebellious kid, sneaking out of the house to go party did a lot of dumb things and got into a lot of trouble but I learnt. The point of these experiences is to learn how to cope. We acquire these coping mechanisms and learn them. So I learnt. I learnt how to deal with death, losing friends, to deal with things when I fucked up (forgive my French) beyond fucking up. And I learnt not to say I'm still not learning I am so thats another thing that will qualify me in my future career. Cause I will to an extent understand the road my clients are on.
People tend to forget that whatever lifestyle you have doesn't necessarily dictate your effectiveness in your profession. On the contrary in some instances the life you help can actually help you in your profession. And be thankful for it.
When you go to any institution of learning you acquire skills. These skills are to help you in whatever venture you go into. Granted that some people get a degree,masters or PhD in one thing and you end working in a field different from what you studied. So going to school is already a qualification you dumb asses. But thats besides the point. As I quote someone, “Oh My God. You want to be a therapist/counselor. I don't think it would suit you.” News flash it does. So according to them I don't the character or what it takes. Doesn't the fact that I'll get a degree in Psychology qualify me? Then they say oh no thats not it its just your life and your character doesn't seem to go with what your studying. I died laughing. Think about it all those inspirational speakers are people with EXPERIENCE in whatever trials and tribulations they went through thus having first hand perspective on the matters they talk about. Same applies here. My EXPERIENCE. The trails and tribulations I've faced, am facing and will face. I was that rebellious kid, sneaking out of the house to go party did a lot of dumb things and got into a lot of trouble but I learnt. The point of these experiences is to learn how to cope. We acquire these coping mechanisms and learn them. So I learnt. I learnt how to deal with death, losing friends, to deal with things when I fucked up (forgive my French) beyond fucking up. And I learnt not to say I'm still not learning I am so thats another thing that will qualify me in my future career. Cause I will to an extent understand the road my clients are on.
People tend to forget that whatever lifestyle you have doesn't necessarily dictate your effectiveness in your profession. On the contrary in some instances the life you help can actually help you in your profession. And be thankful for it.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Mental Block
So as easily noted I haven written a damn thing in over two months. Sadly writers block is the reason and a serious case of it. Making it worse I have somehow lost my book. Where I had written things down and such. My vault of mental treasures. But hopefully it will work out but for now I'll load up as many pictures of fun stuff or interesting aspects as possible.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Work of Art
The onset of our lives begins as a blank canvas
At times we can paint breathe taking art work
Or write words that move souls
Not all canvases are to be painted fully
And yet there are times when life itself will paint or write on this canvas
Dictating the portrait that will be seen
Portrait written over portrait
Words written over word
Or even the words written and intertwined within the art
And there lies a girl
Ravaged and exhausted
Laying on the bed with the sweat dripping on her forehead
Kept awake by the nightmares
The thumping heart that wont cease
The terrors from her past invading her slumber
She leaves the bed and walks through the kitchen into the balcony
Cigarette in her hand
She takes a long drag as she looks out into the world
The bass from the music vibrating through the windows
On the rail where she has put her feet
The silence
The lights going off all around
She stays there lost in her own world
Thinking of nothing and everything
She is a work of art
You can see the cut she got when she was cooking
The tiny burn marks from the oven
The missing bone on her hand
The lil scars she has all over her body each with its own tale
And yet she is an unfinished master piece
No one sees where she was painted black
By the darkness and coldness of the world
The betrayal that ripped the fine threads of her canvas
Of which she had to mend with the little she had left
The blue and purple from the times she was bruised after the battering
How in some parts the canvas is old and worn from the times she was used
How words of self hate and loathing
Ridicule, failure and deceit
Are written all over
Nor do you see the dried mud on the corner of her canvas
From those times she had to drag herself out of the rough
You wouldn't even see the red dots of died blood
That she shed from her heart
The dried stains of sweat from all her hard work
No one sees these
Because she wrote and drew over them
Even when life put its mark
She had to put her own
All we see now is a portrait of her
And the word life right on her chest
Hope in each of her eyes
Warmth in her hands
It is always darkest before the dawn
The clouds in the sky part
Small rays of sunshine seem to escape
The sun finally comes out
With its heat and light and promise of a new day
She takes her last drag and puts off the cigarette
Radiating anew from the inside
Always waking to see the sunrise
For it assures her and reminds her
Regardless of how dark and cold it gets
No matter how quiet and alone one gets
A new day will come
The sun will rise
The birds will sing
People will awake
And she wont feel alone anymore
She looks up and says a small thank you
And smiles at the prospect of a better today.
Jah Bless
At times we can paint breathe taking art work
Or write words that move souls
Not all canvases are to be painted fully
And yet there are times when life itself will paint or write on this canvas
Dictating the portrait that will be seen
Portrait written over portrait
Words written over word
Or even the words written and intertwined within the art
And there lies a girl
Ravaged and exhausted
Laying on the bed with the sweat dripping on her forehead
Kept awake by the nightmares
The thumping heart that wont cease
The terrors from her past invading her slumber
She leaves the bed and walks through the kitchen into the balcony
Cigarette in her hand
She takes a long drag as she looks out into the world
The bass from the music vibrating through the windows
On the rail where she has put her feet
The silence
The lights going off all around
She stays there lost in her own world
Thinking of nothing and everything
She is a work of art
You can see the cut she got when she was cooking
The tiny burn marks from the oven
The missing bone on her hand
The lil scars she has all over her body each with its own tale
And yet she is an unfinished master piece
No one sees where she was painted black
By the darkness and coldness of the world
The betrayal that ripped the fine threads of her canvas
Of which she had to mend with the little she had left
The blue and purple from the times she was bruised after the battering
How in some parts the canvas is old and worn from the times she was used
How words of self hate and loathing
Ridicule, failure and deceit
Are written all over
Nor do you see the dried mud on the corner of her canvas
From those times she had to drag herself out of the rough
You wouldn't even see the red dots of died blood
That she shed from her heart
The dried stains of sweat from all her hard work
No one sees these
Because she wrote and drew over them
Even when life put its mark
She had to put her own
All we see now is a portrait of her
And the word life right on her chest
Hope in each of her eyes
Warmth in her hands
It is always darkest before the dawn
The clouds in the sky part
Small rays of sunshine seem to escape
The sun finally comes out
With its heat and light and promise of a new day
She takes her last drag and puts off the cigarette
Radiating anew from the inside
Always waking to see the sunrise
For it assures her and reminds her
Regardless of how dark and cold it gets
No matter how quiet and alone one gets
A new day will come
The sun will rise
The birds will sing
People will awake
And she wont feel alone anymore
She looks up and says a small thank you
And smiles at the prospect of a better today.
Jah Bless
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Marshall "Soulful" Jones
Whats good people. Sometime last week thanks to a sleepless night I took my phone out and someone (I dont remember who) had posted a link. So I an my oh so curious self clicked on i. Ended up being a youtube video and I waited for it to load oh so slowly (using the net on a cellphone and all). Anyways long story short i came across this POET (an ARTIST). Not saying I have seen many poets performing or that I've read that much poetry but sometimes all it takes is one thing to capture you and I was capturing by MARSHALL "SOULFUL" JONES.Thanks to his work I have honestly thought of shutting down my blog and calling it quits. Apart from the fact I still have never said one of my pieces outloud I feel like a talentless dwib next to this guy. And its weird cause i never really thought about performing my work till abiut a few months ago and now I doubt I ever will.
First of all the energy in his performance struck me. But yet it was the underlying passion. It seeped out of him like a new born spring bursting to make its way to the surface and leave its mark on this Earth. I was captivated enough to watch each of his performances without even moving an inch. Yeah yeah I know it sounds like a lil girl with a crush on the classroom hottie. But I was raised up to admit when I see or find something good and appreciate it. His poetry touched me. It is something that I can relate to and is in within my sphere of life. I urge anyone who can watch his performances or get mor e of his work (hope you hook me up) to do so. Down below is a link to one of his performances entitled,"Spelling Father." He was able to say everything and more Id like to and made me appreciate things more.
Jah Bless
First of all the energy in his performance struck me. But yet it was the underlying passion. It seeped out of him like a new born spring bursting to make its way to the surface and leave its mark on this Earth. I was captivated enough to watch each of his performances without even moving an inch. Yeah yeah I know it sounds like a lil girl with a crush on the classroom hottie. But I was raised up to admit when I see or find something good and appreciate it. His poetry touched me. It is something that I can relate to and is in within my sphere of life. I urge anyone who can watch his performances or get mor e of his work (hope you hook me up) to do so. Down below is a link to one of his performances entitled,"Spelling Father." He was able to say everything and more Id like to and made me appreciate things more.
Jah Bless
Friday, 11 May 2012
The Dark Light (Written by Lolande Lema)
Im shattered
Trapped in a maze
Amazed on how am flat-splattered
Crazed in a daze
Purple haze of regret
Flows as it grows
In my system
I made a bet but the spreading never slows
Spider legs crawling in me
Forcing a deep black shadow
Am sunk
Without luck
Like nasty fingers on a quick buck
Call Chuck
Cause my thermometer just broke but my fever is getting hotter
Am drowning although my head clearly out the water
I still will and feel that
I have to
Act to
Change my ways
And for that
I now ask you
How COULD you change?
And WOULD you rearrange the masterplan
Cause you know you can
Age the maturity and purity of the soul
To satisfy the mind on the WHOLE
Trapped in a maze
Amazed on how am flat-splattered
Crazed in a daze
Purple haze of regret
Flows as it grows
In my system
I made a bet but the spreading never slows
Spider legs crawling in me
Forcing a deep black shadow
Am sunk
Without luck
Like nasty fingers on a quick buck
Call Chuck
Cause my thermometer just broke but my fever is getting hotter
Am drowning although my head clearly out the water
I still will and feel that
I have to
Act to
Change my ways
And for that
I now ask you
How COULD you change?
And WOULD you rearrange the masterplan
Cause you know you can
Age the maturity and purity of the soul
To satisfy the mind on the WHOLE
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Who are you?
Who are you to tell me I am not up to par and unworthy
Who are you to tell me that my race or skin tone makes me inferior?
Who are you to say that I will amount to nothing and I am of no value
Who are you to put shackles on my neck and ankles?
Who are you to keep my body strong and yet break my mind?
Put me in a mental prison, chain me to the wall and make me immobile
Making me a slave within myself
Who are you to say I am ugly when beauty radiates from every core of my being
When my mind paints colors even on the bleakest of canvases and my words bring warmth to the coldest of hearts
Who are you to tell me?
What I may do or not do what I should look or be like
Who I may or not be with
What class of people I should hang out with
Who are you to tell me I am a burden and of no consequence
That I shouldn’t have been born when my life is priceless and a blessing
Who are you to tell me my child is a punishment of my actions while they are a gift
Who are you to point a finger at me?
Do you not know that 3 point right back at you
Who are you to lay your hands on me
Using the power of your might to confine me
Leave all the scars on my skin that you want
Here I will even turn the other cheek
I will give you the bats to even break my bones
But you will not leave a single mark on my heart
Who are you to judge others and condemn them
Because his with him and shes with her
And he used to be her and she used to be him
Or she likes him and her and he likes her and him
And they are happy as is?
Who are you to spew poison from your mouth
Twist and turn words into venom
All the decrepit things encompassed into one
Controlling you like a blind fool
Project them towards me
Cast them from yourself and throw them at me all you want
It will not bring me down
For I can sit here and speak these words
Blocking your negative aura
Feeling no hate or sadness
Not even anger
But rather I feel sorrow
You are alone
So I walk away with a throbbing heart in my chest
With head held up high
So next time before you speak your words
Flex your might
When you set out to hurt and destroy
When you want to feel superior by bringing those around you down
Look into the mirror and ask this
Who are you?
Who are you to tell me that my race or skin tone makes me inferior?
Who are you to say that I will amount to nothing and I am of no value
Who are you to put shackles on my neck and ankles?
Who are you to keep my body strong and yet break my mind?
Put me in a mental prison, chain me to the wall and make me immobile
Making me a slave within myself
Who are you to say I am ugly when beauty radiates from every core of my being
When my mind paints colors even on the bleakest of canvases and my words bring warmth to the coldest of hearts
Who are you to tell me?
What I may do or not do what I should look or be like
Who I may or not be with
What class of people I should hang out with
Who are you to tell me I am a burden and of no consequence
That I shouldn’t have been born when my life is priceless and a blessing
Who are you to tell me my child is a punishment of my actions while they are a gift
Who are you to point a finger at me?
Do you not know that 3 point right back at you
Who are you to lay your hands on me
Using the power of your might to confine me
Leave all the scars on my skin that you want
Here I will even turn the other cheek
I will give you the bats to even break my bones
But you will not leave a single mark on my heart
Who are you to judge others and condemn them
Because his with him and shes with her
And he used to be her and she used to be him
Or she likes him and her and he likes her and him
And they are happy as is?
Who are you to spew poison from your mouth
Twist and turn words into venom
All the decrepit things encompassed into one
Controlling you like a blind fool
Project them towards me
Cast them from yourself and throw them at me all you want
It will not bring me down
For I can sit here and speak these words
Blocking your negative aura
Feeling no hate or sadness
Not even anger
But rather I feel sorrow
You are alone
So I walk away with a throbbing heart in my chest
With head held up high
So next time before you speak your words
Flex your might
When you set out to hurt and destroy
When you want to feel superior by bringing those around you down
Look into the mirror and ask this
Who are you?
She is special and unique
She is intelligent and slick
She is the kind that is rare
Not the type that blossoms anywhere
Like the only flower
That still stands after a forest fire
Magnificent with a radiating power
She is all you'll think of every minute of the hour
Gazing into her eyes will capture you more than a meteor shower
She would never hurt you in the fear of seeing your eyes wet
With a style and finesse that could make any guy sweat
Her lips look as if they are burning red hot
One kiss could make your blood stop
A love as such should be a crime
I pray she'll always be mine
Till the end of the hands of time
Jah Bless
She is intelligent and slick
She is the kind that is rare
Not the type that blossoms anywhere
Like the only flower
That still stands after a forest fire
Magnificent with a radiating power
She is all you'll think of every minute of the hour
Gazing into her eyes will capture you more than a meteor shower
She would never hurt you in the fear of seeing your eyes wet
With a style and finesse that could make any guy sweat
Her lips look as if they are burning red hot
One kiss could make your blood stop
A love as such should be a crime
I pray she'll always be mine
Till the end of the hands of time
Jah Bless
What is to dream if your with me? (Written by Lolande Lema)
What is to dream if you are with me?
Turning my darkness into light
As we share a pillow at night
Knowing that truly
We are free as spiritual melodies
Honestly its not about him
Her or me
As we sail on sunrising oceans
And float on sunsetting clouds
Laying beneath the moonlight
Smelling the essence of emotions
I praise the way you erase my stress
When its a mess you smile and I feel I am blessed
You are a bend less motion
A potion
My endless hour
My power
My red light to mark my caution
The rare scent of a million flowers
My jewel
My hightest peak as I dream of success
My downfall
My all
And thats why it hurts in my chest
Turning my darkness into light
As we share a pillow at night
Knowing that truly
We are free as spiritual melodies
Honestly its not about him
Her or me
As we sail on sunrising oceans
And float on sunsetting clouds
Laying beneath the moonlight
Smelling the essence of emotions
I praise the way you erase my stress
When its a mess you smile and I feel I am blessed
You are a bend less motion
A potion
My endless hour
My power
My red light to mark my caution
The rare scent of a million flowers
My jewel
My hightest peak as I dream of success
My downfall
My all
And thats why it hurts in my chest
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Thought I should mention
Rummaging through my old things I ended up finding things Id written way back when.Most if not all have no titles.So Im going to literally title them NO TITLE.That will be my new writing series.My old works when I was still naivety and innocent
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
A very good read
I came acrooss this yesterday on facebook I wrote about how things in this world are relative.Anyways its a very good read.
Professor : You are a Christian, aren’t you, son ?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor: So, you believe in GOD ?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Professor : Is GOD good ?
Student : Sure.
Professor: Is GOD all powerful?
Student : Yes.
Professor: My brother died of cancer even though
he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would
attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t.
How is this GOD good then? Hmm?
(Student was silent.)
Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start
again, young fella. Is GOD good?
Student : Yes.
Professor: Is satan good ?
Student : No.
Professor: Where does satan come from ?
Student : From … GOD …
Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in
this world?
Student : Yes.
Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it ? And GOD did
make everything. Correct?
Student : Yes.
Professor: So who created evil ?
(Student did not answer.)
Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred?
Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the
world, don’t they?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor: So, who created them ?
(Student had no answer.)
Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use
to identify and observe the world around you. Tell
me, son, have you ever seen GOD?
Student : No, sir.
Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?
Student : No , sir. Professor: Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your
GOD, smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any
sensory perception of GOD for that matter? Student : No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t. Professor: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student : Yes.
Professor : According to Empirical, Testable,
Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD
doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student : Nothing. I only have my faith. Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the problem
Science has.
Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Professor: Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Professor: Yes.
Student : No, sir. There isn’t.
(The lecture theater became very quiet with this
turn of events.)
Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more
heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat
or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold.
We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no
heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There
is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot
measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the
opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(There was pin-drop silence in the lecture theater.)
Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there
such a thing as darkness?
Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t
Student : You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the
absence of something. You can have low light,
normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you
have no light constantly, you have nothing and its
called darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If
it is, well you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you?
Professor: So what is the point you are making,
young man ?
Student : Sir, my point is your philosophical
premise is flawed. Professor: Flawed ? Can you explain how? Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of
duality. You argue there is life and then there is
death, a good GOD and a bad GOD. You are viewing
the concept of GOD as something finite, something
we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a
thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one.
To view death as the opposite of life is to be
ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a
substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of
it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your
students that they evolved from a monkey?
Professor: If you are referring to the natural
evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.
Student : Have you ever observed evolution with
your own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shook his head with a smile,
beginning to realize where the argument was
Student : Since no one has ever observed the
process of evolution at work and cannot even
prove that this process is an on-going endeavor.
Are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you
not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class was in uproar.)
Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever
seen the Professor’s brain?
(The class broke out into laughter. )
Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard
the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No
one appears to have done so. So, according to the
established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable
Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir.
With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir? (The room was silent. The Professor stared at the
student, his face unfathomable.)
Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith,
Student : That is it sir … Exactly ! The link between
man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that keeps things
alive and moving. P.S. I believe you have enjoyed the conversation. And
if so, you’ll probably want your friends / colleagues
to enjoy the same, won’t you? Forward this to increase their knowledge … or
By the way, that student was EINSTEIN.
Professor : You are a Christian, aren’t you, son ?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor: So, you believe in GOD ?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Professor : Is GOD good ?
Student : Sure.
Professor: Is GOD all powerful?
Student : Yes.
Professor: My brother died of cancer even though
he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would
attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t.
How is this GOD good then? Hmm?
(Student was silent.)
Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start
again, young fella. Is GOD good?
Student : Yes.
Professor: Is satan good ?
Student : No.
Professor: Where does satan come from ?
Student : From … GOD …
Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in
this world?
Student : Yes.
Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it ? And GOD did
make everything. Correct?
Student : Yes.
Professor: So who created evil ?
(Student did not answer.)
Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred?
Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the
world, don’t they?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor: So, who created them ?
(Student had no answer.)
Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use
to identify and observe the world around you. Tell
me, son, have you ever seen GOD?
Student : No, sir.
Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?
Student : No , sir. Professor: Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your
GOD, smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any
sensory perception of GOD for that matter? Student : No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t. Professor: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student : Yes.
Professor : According to Empirical, Testable,
Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD
doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student : Nothing. I only have my faith. Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the problem
Science has.
Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Professor: Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Professor: Yes.
Student : No, sir. There isn’t.
(The lecture theater became very quiet with this
turn of events.)
Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more
heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat
or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold.
We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no
heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There
is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot
measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the
opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(There was pin-drop silence in the lecture theater.)
Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there
such a thing as darkness?
Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t
Student : You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the
absence of something. You can have low light,
normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you
have no light constantly, you have nothing and its
called darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If
it is, well you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you?
Professor: So what is the point you are making,
young man ?
Student : Sir, my point is your philosophical
premise is flawed. Professor: Flawed ? Can you explain how? Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of
duality. You argue there is life and then there is
death, a good GOD and a bad GOD. You are viewing
the concept of GOD as something finite, something
we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a
thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one.
To view death as the opposite of life is to be
ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a
substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of
it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your
students that they evolved from a monkey?
Professor: If you are referring to the natural
evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.
Student : Have you ever observed evolution with
your own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shook his head with a smile,
beginning to realize where the argument was
Student : Since no one has ever observed the
process of evolution at work and cannot even
prove that this process is an on-going endeavor.
Are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you
not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class was in uproar.)
Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever
seen the Professor’s brain?
(The class broke out into laughter. )
Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard
the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No
one appears to have done so. So, according to the
established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable
Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir.
With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir? (The room was silent. The Professor stared at the
student, his face unfathomable.)
Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith,
Student : That is it sir … Exactly ! The link between
man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that keeps things
alive and moving. P.S. I believe you have enjoyed the conversation. And
if so, you’ll probably want your friends / colleagues
to enjoy the same, won’t you? Forward this to increase their knowledge … or
By the way, that student was EINSTEIN.
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Common Sense
Common Sense.We call it "Common" because there is an assumption that as human beings being the "Superior" creatures that we are have this general and innate capability to have a similar and collective sense of thinking or viewing certain things.WRONG!
Common sense is relative.Depending on context and ones perception.And our contextual meanings for things and our perceptions differ.But there are times when somethings are common sense.For instance if you drive you must have atleast learnt some if not all rules and regulations of the road isnt it.So when you stop your car on the bleeding Zebra crossing (its that part of the road with the white lines) and start hooting at pedestrians (thats the people on foot) for crossing the road at the wrong place isnt it your own fault (drivers) that the are crossing there?More over to the pedestrians who cross roads at places that they shouldnt be crossing what do you expect?Fortunately I put the blame for these road mishaps on the bloody contracters,road planners and the rest of those peole who do the roads.Since they put the crossings either too far or not even at the proper places.Or putting the Zebra crossing on the speed pump.Logically it only makes sense to put
it after the crossing thus a car slows down before getting to the speed bump so the pedestrian can atleast run before the car gets too close.That and the lack of enough road side signs and warnings really makes me think more than twice before crossing a road.Even when the lights are in my favor.
If you have an appointment or an interview at a company,office or whatever it is and you perhaps are running late or need to reschedule you'd let them know.And Id expect the same kind of courtesy from them but alas recently I came to find out differently.Had an appointment and I showed up on time meaning 5minutes before it was to take place.Upon arrival the person I was to see happen to not be there so I gave my details to the lady at the reception and I told her when Id be free to show up again.She said I should go the day after at the same time of which I did but again to my disappointment the person I was to see wasnt there.This time the receptionist told me,"We have your number I will give you a call." I said no sweat and left it as is.Shock on me two weeks later when Lady X (yes Im omitting names for their preservation as much as my own) who was infact the person who told me about the job opening and so on where she works asks me if I had gone.I
said yes I went twice and explained to her all that transpired.She goes why didnt you go back again till you go the interview done (mind you they are talking in a very unfriendly tone).I pointed out that my "common sense" dictated that these people were professionals and that since THEY were the ones looking to hire and THEY told me they would give me a call Id wait for that call.Lady X looks at me and says,"Your just going to be another graduate with no job." As if I the one who should have been going there everyday to beg them for the interview.As bad as this sounds I have to say that with a mentality such as hers on that day I now get how certain people from certain areas of the world would rather not work with other people from other places in the world.
This may seem petty but it is my blog after all so you can stop reading it.I think that if you borrow or use something of someones be it a matchbox,cutlary,soccer/football shoes the least you could do is return them before the other person starts asking about them and in the same conditon that you took them.Again here is another epic fail.Not only are some people totally oblivious to this but also end up making it seem as if they are doing you a favor by returning your own shit but that you bothering them to do so.
Common Sense dictates. . . . . . . . .
Absolutely NOTHING.Why?Because it isnt so common.I mean its possible that some of us are running on Common Sense Version 4.0 while others are stil on version 1.0
Jah Bless
Common sense is relative.Depending on context and ones perception.And our contextual meanings for things and our perceptions differ.But there are times when somethings are common sense.For instance if you drive you must have atleast learnt some if not all rules and regulations of the road isnt it.So when you stop your car on the bleeding Zebra crossing (its that part of the road with the white lines) and start hooting at pedestrians (thats the people on foot) for crossing the road at the wrong place isnt it your own fault (drivers) that the are crossing there?More over to the pedestrians who cross roads at places that they shouldnt be crossing what do you expect?Fortunately I put the blame for these road mishaps on the bloody contracters,road planners and the rest of those peole who do the roads.Since they put the crossings either too far or not even at the proper places.Or putting the Zebra crossing on the speed pump.Logically it only makes sense to put
it after the crossing thus a car slows down before getting to the speed bump so the pedestrian can atleast run before the car gets too close.That and the lack of enough road side signs and warnings really makes me think more than twice before crossing a road.Even when the lights are in my favor.
If you have an appointment or an interview at a company,office or whatever it is and you perhaps are running late or need to reschedule you'd let them know.And Id expect the same kind of courtesy from them but alas recently I came to find out differently.Had an appointment and I showed up on time meaning 5minutes before it was to take place.Upon arrival the person I was to see happen to not be there so I gave my details to the lady at the reception and I told her when Id be free to show up again.She said I should go the day after at the same time of which I did but again to my disappointment the person I was to see wasnt there.This time the receptionist told me,"We have your number I will give you a call." I said no sweat and left it as is.Shock on me two weeks later when Lady X (yes Im omitting names for their preservation as much as my own) who was infact the person who told me about the job opening and so on where she works asks me if I had gone.I
said yes I went twice and explained to her all that transpired.She goes why didnt you go back again till you go the interview done (mind you they are talking in a very unfriendly tone).I pointed out that my "common sense" dictated that these people were professionals and that since THEY were the ones looking to hire and THEY told me they would give me a call Id wait for that call.Lady X looks at me and says,"Your just going to be another graduate with no job." As if I the one who should have been going there everyday to beg them for the interview.As bad as this sounds I have to say that with a mentality such as hers on that day I now get how certain people from certain areas of the world would rather not work with other people from other places in the world.
This may seem petty but it is my blog after all so you can stop reading it.I think that if you borrow or use something of someones be it a matchbox,cutlary,soccer/football shoes the least you could do is return them before the other person starts asking about them and in the same conditon that you took them.Again here is another epic fail.Not only are some people totally oblivious to this but also end up making it seem as if they are doing you a favor by returning your own shit but that you bothering them to do so.
Common Sense dictates. . . . . . . . .
Absolutely NOTHING.Why?Because it isnt so common.I mean its possible that some of us are running on Common Sense Version 4.0 while others are stil on version 1.0
Jah Bless
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
New Beginnings
Whats good people.Its been A while since I wrote not for the lack of not wanting or due to pure laziness but rather due to a mental block.And also due to a few comments from friends and family alike. I seem to have lost my way in the sense that all I am doing is concentrating on writing and not sharing a few of the awesome pictures and other stuff including jokes and all. So here goes to the more refined version of this illustrious blog so here goes to newer and better beginnings.
Jah Bless
Jah Bless
Saturday, 25 February 2012
A Bad Day
Ever had a day where you wish you had an Uzi and some innatimate objects to just finish a zillion bullets on?Thats me today.As in it might seem petty to some but flip it I either vent it out this way or go drink.The latter unfortunately will make my liver grow wings and go to that big place in the sky where all murdered livers go to.Aside from the fact I have a paper tomorrow it just seems like my day has been hell.So my hard drive has crashed.No big deal huh?WRONG VERY WRONG.Some of the things I had on their I been collecting since them days pc's use to have floppt disk ports and unfortunately this isnt the first time.First HD was dropped,the next one was super glued (yes imagine that the USB port got loose and someone glued it together),the other one had a systems failuer and this one now seems to just have decided to be unreadable.Apart from losing my work and such I have lost a way for my sanity to stay intact since whatever I had to watch or read is gone.So now until God knows when I wont have anything and will have to sit down and start all over again in collecting things.And honestly its not really at the top of my problems but still a problem is a problem and unless it gets solved its still a pain in the ass.This is where most people would say,"Dont worry about it it will get better." But guess what I cant fast forward till then so I have to live with all these nagging things in my lil head thats already at max.So if anyone knows of a shooting range and doesnt mind spotting me ALOT of bullets to just annialhilate everything in my sit (except living things) then please do help.But until I get a more productive way of venting I will bitch,whine,nag and curse like a sailor.
Jah bless
Jah bless
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
The Heroes in our generation
This post is long over due but I hope that the intent and message will still remain true.
This young mans name is Hilal Hr Hilal.Thats him after the commonwealth games in Delhi 2010 in which he got all those medals from swimming. This lad and his swimming mates from TALLIS Tanzania have made me prouder than I can ever put into words not just of being a Tanzanian but mostly of being from the same generation as him. Considering how much ridicule and backlash we get for not striving for anything or striving for things that are of no importance and will not be relevant in our lives. This is a way of saying thank you to their remarkable achievements and interestingly enough it has nothing to do with their performance in the 2010 games but rather what happen on December 21st 2011 which coincidently happen to be his birthday.
For those who don't know there was a tragedy in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania during the festive season. There were huge rains that resulted in floods where many people died. Usually in such situations people want to preserve their own lives first before worrying about others. But on this day Hilal and his comrades put all common sense and sense of primal preservation aside as they themselves risked their own lives to save people who were stuck on the roof of houses.Hilal was at home when he read on facebook about how lifeguards were helping and actually left his house to go and help out. From the little I know it seems that they saved a family of 3 and a baby who was but a few weeks old. And as goes with our media such events were not covered. This is more than just a heroic act. These are the young people who will someday I believe will be a beacon (if they are not already) to the rest of us. Throwing all regards of self and selfishly going to help another person irregardless of race,gender,age,religion and social class.All that these lads wanted to do was to help. And that is a lesson and teaching I have taken to light. I apologize that I do not know the rest of team who were there but this article goes out to all of you for your deeds that I swear to you have been engraved into my heart and I will forever carry them with me. Pure human decency and kindness. Even if I cannot save lives as they did that day I will strive to have the resolve and heart these people had in their actions. This should be a lesson to us all. Hilal and friends I SALUTE YOU. And I hope whoever knows them or sees them will atleast shake their hand, give them a pat on the back or atleast say THANK YOU. I feel proud that I know one of you personally and even prouder that with all that you did that day you did not gloat look for popularity or anything of that sort. I give praise and thanks to your coaches and trainers for the skills they parted on to you, to your Mother and Sisters (Asmah and Leila) for raising such a fine young man and to you HILAL and FRIENDS for being who you are. I pray and hope that God/Allah will rain a thousand blessings your way.
Jah Bless
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
An observation
Whats good people?As customary of our social expectations I shall wish everyone a happy new year.Although for some its just another day.
So the whole concept of new year resolutions and starting a fresh has gotten almost sickening to me.This is because of the way we put the emphasis on that a new year bring forth new beginnings which in my personal opinion is just a bunch of bull.So the date at the end of the year has changed.Big deal.Whatever problems where there before will still be there no.They dont get resolved or solved just because the year changed.If you were to make a resolution or do whatever it is why wait till the new year to do so?If something is worth it and a person truely wants to do it you should start doing it the moment those thoughts enter your conscious mind.I think that at times we so so as an excuse to justify the procrastination we indulge in.
Its January now next month its Valentines day."The day of Love" as some people on this blue planet consider it.Most dont even know the history behind the day or how it came about.And no Im not going to go into a history lesson.Just google Saint Valentine and things related to the history and Im sure your questions will get answers.
I dont have a problem with the day per say but here is my logic.Why should it be one day in a year to show love and affection to a person.Shouldnt just do that on every single day?I mean why be all romantic on 1 day and not be for the rest.I mean a birthday is different since you can only be born once but you have everyday to show someone you care,cherish and love them.Im not saying its wrong to show some TLC on Valentines day but it shouldnt be just that one day that you'd go all out for your loved one.Do it at every moment and chance you can.
If you will do something then just take that step whenever it hits you.Dont wait for a specific date to make that change unless that change can only start being made on that day.
Jah Bless
So the whole concept of new year resolutions and starting a fresh has gotten almost sickening to me.This is because of the way we put the emphasis on that a new year bring forth new beginnings which in my personal opinion is just a bunch of bull.So the date at the end of the year has changed.Big deal.Whatever problems where there before will still be there no.They dont get resolved or solved just because the year changed.If you were to make a resolution or do whatever it is why wait till the new year to do so?If something is worth it and a person truely wants to do it you should start doing it the moment those thoughts enter your conscious mind.I think that at times we so so as an excuse to justify the procrastination we indulge in.
Its January now next month its Valentines day."The day of Love" as some people on this blue planet consider it.Most dont even know the history behind the day or how it came about.And no Im not going to go into a history lesson.Just google Saint Valentine and things related to the history and Im sure your questions will get answers.
I dont have a problem with the day per say but here is my logic.Why should it be one day in a year to show love and affection to a person.Shouldnt just do that on every single day?I mean why be all romantic on 1 day and not be for the rest.I mean a birthday is different since you can only be born once but you have everyday to show someone you care,cherish and love them.Im not saying its wrong to show some TLC on Valentines day but it shouldnt be just that one day that you'd go all out for your loved one.Do it at every moment and chance you can.
If you will do something then just take that step whenever it hits you.Dont wait for a specific date to make that change unless that change can only start being made on that day.
Jah Bless
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