So is it true or not that a person can have a break down or melt down in their life time or are they more common than we think?I will let you judge that at the end of this post.
I had my own break of sorts lately.Why?Simple really.I kept thing in in in in in.And the outlet I had decided on.As always the usual deviant behavior,drinking a tad more than usual,supressing,pretending that everything is ok etc.Basically the norm not acknowledging the feelings and emotions attributed to what is going on.But funnily enough it helped in the short run anyway.Until later when the intoxication or high settles down I actually found myself pondering more vigorously on those aspects even more so than I was "sober."
Its true at times we would rather not acknowledge or come to terms with what is happening.Its easier going on with life like nothing is wrong.We all need an outlet.If its screaming your head off, killing the hell out of video game characters,doing a sport and kicking ass at it.That sort of thing.Long as it doesnt harm you or another person in the long or short run (yes that includes the drinkig and smoking and the dumb shit we do to try and forget).
Sometimes something as simple as crying and letting it out can make you feel a million and one times better.Anyway after my break down and a few tears later I felt a tad bit better.Made me start thinking about alot of things and how I couldve better handeled some situations.
Long story short at times it isnt bad to let go find a shoulder to cry on or find a way to let it out.Especially when you think no one else can understand what you going through or how you feeling.
It isnt a melt down or break down.In reality it happens cause we keep things in and they do end up overwhelming you.Thus you break down cause lets face it the lid is full and shit gotta pop.Better let everything out whenever you not well rather than letting it build it and explode.It could make you lose friends and make you get alienated.Cause seriously when some of us explode (yap me included) we get mean, hurtful and just down right nasty to those around us.Even the ones we love.
Youd be surprised at how those people around you who are all smiles seem as if things are alright are actually going through their own personal hell and compared to yours,you seem to be having a vacation.
Talk to your people,let things out,cry,scream beat up a pillow if you must.But just let it out before it eats at you from the inside out completely devour you leaving justa shell of your true and former self.
Think about it.
Jah bless
Guess some decisions u gt 2 gt 2 them on ur own