Wednesday 16 January 2013

First Post of The Year (kinda)

So the new year is here.HAPPY NEW YEAR TO US ALL.I mean there was that lil thing about the world ending init good thing the buggers were wrong.Well at least thus far so lets hope it stays that.
In the coarse of the threat that the world would end,seems people wanted to go on trying all those things they hadn't done yet.You know the whole,"What would you do if the world ended tomorrow" hype.And you know things ranged from having ones first drink to climbing Mt. Everest. In my head though what Id do was really simple and also difficult in its own right.Boils down to apologizing and appreciation.
"Only a man who does nothing doesn't make mistakes." And I have made enough to give dear old Everest a challenge but that's not what I apologize for,that initial mistake,but how I handled things after.The things I did,didn't do,what I said and didn't say and even my tone and attitude.Cause in plain and simple English I FAILED.
I hurt people,saddened them and caused pain.I didn't conduct myself as I should've.I didn't bother when things were rocky and patchy or I made things worse by not doing what was needed of me.So yeah I failed people and for that reason Id apologize.
Difficult to apologize for everything and to everyone but its what Id do.
And mostly apologize and seek forgiveness from myself.I let me down I failed myself more than I failed anyone else and its human but I do and have carried that self resentment with me.So Id try and let it go even for a moment.Sounds like a small task but its a lot more difficult than it sounds believe me.But why go through
all that?
Well simple so you cleanse yourself and enable the appreciation to be.Not to be burdened,not to carry the world on your shoulders just to breath.And how would I be appreciative?Well Id probably light a cigarette,have some whiskey on the rocks and just sit down and listen.To the wind,the rain,feel the sun
,look up at the stars and just take a moment.An honest to God moment in this life and be appreciative and thankful for everything without wanting more or saying what if but for that one moment Id be greatful to be a part of this cosmos.Be it my significance was small or large or if I had any significance at all Id just appreciate.Take a moment people.From the hustle of work,school,family,life and whatever and Breathe.A simple greatful breathe.Its what Id do.Nothing grant nothing out of the normal just a simple moment to chill,relax and take a breathe.

Jah Bless

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Dark Shadows cross
Floating hovering constricting sight
Warmth lacking
Coldness slapping
Taking away slumber
Giving sleepless night
Eyes blinded like a bat during day
But the pupils are devoid of light
Deep breathes on morning dew
And still no smell
Nothing new
Lips left with tasteless delight
Strapped to a wall
Fight with all one's might
Left with bruises and scars
Thrown so deep
That even stars
Are gone
All parts of time extinguished
5senses diminished
Despair despair despair
In the quiet
In the dark
In the solitude of alone
Even the you can feel and hear it
Du dum du dum du dum du dum du dum
The beat of a heart
Jah Bless