Thursday, 9 June 2011

One of those things

In the course of the past weeks a lot of interesting things have come out of the wood work. Most interesting is that some of my acquaintances and friends have been discussing the whole concept of what goes down in the bedroom. Now this just reminded me of a conversion I had with a female friend of mine sometime back and I quote what she said (people who have known me since August 2009 this happen before you). She said, “Every person is a potential good lay it’s just most are ignorant, stubborn or too lazy to be an amazing shag.” From when this was told to me till now I see what she means.
Simply put guys think all they got to do is stick there juniors into the woman, move back and forth and that’s all it takes to get her where she needs to be. WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. From what I have heard of the few ladies for them sex starts from the conversation you have with them. My dear brothers you got to understand without FOREPLAY then you are not doing the lady justice. And stop that ideology I got mine so she can get hers. That’s a load of BULLSHIT it your duty as a man to satisfy her if you don’t then you have no right to call yourself a man. A lil knowledge ladies and gentlemen the first nut for a guy is the most unreliable, fastest and single minded thing in this world. So ladies don’t complain he came first. Actually it’s a compliment the faster he comes cause technically speaking the sweeter the p**** the easier it is to bust a nut. I dare one guy to argue with this (guys who jerk off more than they get laid are not included). Brothers you better go down south (that’s If things down there are well kept) and do both yourself and her a favor and keep your stick and lil friends clean and trimmed or shaved cause it would be really inconsiderate for her to go down there and need a toothpick later to pick the hair out of her teeth. As well as don’t be lazy, find what makes her itch and how to scratch it. And guys trust me the clitoris can be your most significant weapon. FIND IT. At all costs and play with it like it’s the latest HALO, GOD OF WAR, FIFA, PRO EVOLUTION or newest toy/game you have. Trust it will be to your benefit.
Ladies just sitting there and spreading your legs doesn’t help. Sometimes the sex is bad because you don’t do shit except lay there and moan (which in some cases sounds like a sigh). Truth be told a man can have a woman who is as saintly as Mother Teresa in the street. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT when it comes to the bedroom, behind closed doors, within four walls you better know he wants him a woman who is freaky, nasty and will screw him like a slut. And as I advised the brothers I will tell you as well go down south (if it’s well kept and lube the stick if it’s in your hands and getting the “royal rubbing” though, chaffing him is not pretty or comfortable) and make sure you take care of your own nether regions. As well as don’t be lazy, find what makes him itch and how to scratch it.
Now comes the most crucial and simplest point to having an awesome life in the sex arena. Its one word and one word alone. COMMUNICATION. Talk to your partner about what you like to be done or you like to do and what satisfies you. STOP being hard headed to learning new things or think that you’re not good enough or that because of how you were brought up or the stereo type being your gender prohibits you or dictates how you should act on the bedroom. It’s YOUR CHOICE if you want to just have sex for the sake of sex or actually enjoy it to the fullest. (You need to respect the other person’s boundaries and never put them in an uncomfortable situation obviously.) Spice things up in the bedroom, try new things and always remember that it’s for the both of you to benefit and enjoy. Try different positions; read articles about sex and the such but most important have an open mind. Guys believe me when I tell you there is no higher or greater feeling in the world than when a woman is writhing in pleasure because of you and your efforts (especially if you haven’t but it in her yet. Oh yes you can give her pleasure and make her cum BEFORE you put junior in her.) And ladies correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the look on a man’s face after you have ravished him senseless and he lays there speechless because of you; is it not amongst the most thrilling things out there? Explore your partner, Know yourself. Don’t be shy or reserved. Talk to them, give them a starting point of what you enjoy and like and work your way from there onwards. If they don’t want to listen or try things then tell them BYE cause there enough people out there who would bend over backwards to please you. True talk. ENJOY YOURSELVES to the fullest. One life to live people don’t make it a waste. Look back and what you have done instead of wondering what you could’ve been or what you didn’t do. Be real, be yourself, live life. One love.


  1. nice..feel this shit!more people should practise the above mentioned!but as u know how guys are,Just want to bust a nut and show off to the boys! which isn't ideal coz the chic later starts believing that all guys are the same in the room.which ain't the case coz some of us enjoy that sweet sight of a flushed woman after orgasm! homo
